Just like everyone's favorite snack Maruchan, in only 3 minutes, you'll be able to catch up with Mark & Bern in Yokosuka, Japan. Enjoy!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Costco + Michael Jackson + $2,000 = Our Weekend

This past Saturday, Bern and I took our very first trip to Costco in Yokohama. So at first glance, there are many similarities between the Costco here in Japan and the ones in the states. Being welcomed by giant TV's, long lines, & all the big ticket items...

And no trip to Costco is complete until you load up on the H2O and the toilet paper...

But here are a few things I noticed that make Costco in Japan really stand out. For instance, of course Japanese people love rice, so why not have a entire aisle full of rice along with an industrial sized rice cooker:

Speaking of rice, Sake is used for both cooking and getting intoxicated so here's another aisle dedicated to this special beverage:
Now it's here in the Deli/Seafood department where I saw the most significant differences. First off, there's got to be sushi at a Japanese Costco:

Two never before seen types of ready bake pizzas:


Forget Zion Korean Market when you can get:


Here's the coolest part of our Costco adventure. The samples here in Japan are the REAL DEAL! Take this rib eye steak cart for example. I thought I was in Benihana or something, thinking she was going to do the onion volcano next! Haha Probably the BEST Costco samples I've ever had in my entire life...sorry Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken Bowls, you're out!

And just look at the line for this sample cart:
In addition to the pizza & hot dogs, Costco in Japan does have a few unique choices:

The pineapple smoothie and the bulgogi bake were our favorite. And you don't just leave your cart next to you while you eat, you have to park it tandem in the designated area.
On Sunday, we went to 11am mass on base and then headed to the NEX (Navy Exchange) for their annual customer appreciation event. They were raffling off some cool prizes throughout the entire day and had many activities going on like a three person bus pulling competition, street-ball demonstration, Hula dancing, kimono fashion show, & a Japanese Michael Jackson impersonator. 
At the end of the performance, we wanted to do some grocery shopping so we headed toward the commissary where they had some specials outside of the store. As we were looking around, they were announcing the winners for NEX gift cards over the loud speaker and the grand prize winner was about to be called. We didn't think much of it but as soon as they called out "Bernadette," we paused and listened carefully to the last name..."Matsunaga." We were so excited! I told Bern to run up to the stage before they called out another name while I got up on a bench and started yelling out "She's on her way! She's coming!" Bern was the lucky winner of a $2,000 gift card!! WHOO HOOO! Still can't believe that she won. We plan to keep $1,500 and save it for a new TV when we get back home to SD and spend just the $500. A very memorable weekend to say the least!            


  1. You're gonna save the $1500 for 3 years?!! Damn, you're disciplined!! Those rib eye samples looked awesome!

  2. oh whaaat??? lol, nice come up Bern!

  3. Winner Winner! Congrats you guys! That's so cool.
