Just like everyone's favorite snack Maruchan, in only 3 minutes, you'll be able to catch up with Mark & Bern in Yokosuka, Japan. Enjoy!

Monday, March 10, 2014

We made it to Yokosuka

Leaving San Diego was emotional to say the least. Saying goodbye to family & friends is never an easy thing to do; it's like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. We're really sad to be leaving them but at the same time excited to begin this new opportunity. But life keeps moving forward so watch out Yokosuka, The Matsunaga's are moving in.

Bern and I arrived safely in Narita airport on Monday, March 10 at 5pm local time. After going through customs, we met with our sponsor Lizzy (Bern's co-worker) who took us on the bus headed toward Yokosuka which was about a two hour drive. We are staying at the Navy Lodge which is basically a hotel until all of our house goods arrive. The next day while Bern went to work, I decided to walk around the military base and explore. During my journey, I found a used car lot where I think I may have spotted something I can take back home to SD...a Nissan Skyline R32.  YES!!! I also found the essentials like the commissary, exchange, movie theater, food court, and a travel agency that organizes all sorts of excursions in and around Japan.. I won't have the chance to explore outside the base until I get my military ID, which I think will happen next week during our welcome orientation. Stay tuned   


  1. Haha u already look like a native with ur peace sign! Its beautiful there looks like SD!makes sure u buy that ride so u can pick me up from the airport! Haha Love u!

  2. Thanks for keeping us informed. Mark please keep this Blog going as Bern won't. lol Oh boy, Nissan here you come!!!! lol I can't wait to hear how good the Sushi is over there. Only bout 1,093 days till you return.... yea the Joy Luck Club is counting down already! lol have fun out there guys! Till eth next blog, this is Tommy signing out!

  3. I agree with Veron, that sunshine and water...looks like home! I must tell Jesus about the skyline haha, I'm sure he'll want to weigh in :)

  4. I'm so excited for you guys! I'm going to love reading this blog. Can't wait to see pictures and read about all your adventures! Miss and love you both!

  5. This is awesome..hope you keep it up! Glad you guys made it there safely! Looking forward to seeing Japan through your blog. Remember to keep notes on the yummy places to eat at and must-see places so you can take us there when we visit =) Love you guys and wish you the best on your new adventure together living abroad!

  6. Hi Mark AND Bern!

    Thanks for keeping this blog updated. Great pictures! Take care! Love ya! Laura

  7. Good luck, guys! I'll def be following your adventures! All the best.

  8. so you found the restrooms on base too? you need to know the important stuff.
    so if you got the skyline, you can only drive in circles on base till you get "permission to roam freely?" plus, you'll have to learn and play with your left hand!!!

  9. Take the shuttle bus around the base as your "tour" bus, find and take a picture of 22 Briggs Ct (my old house on base). 7-11s off base have some of the best foods. Have fun and be safe. So excited for you both!

  10. HEY YOU GAIZ. Gambare! Irrashai ni Nippon :)
    Get on that nihongo you two so we can talk and get some practice together! Get some legit ramen too. Can't wait to see more pictures! Take care <3
